Magnesium Oil 100 Percent 4 oz

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Magnesium Oil 100 Percent 4 oz Summary

Magnesium Oil 100 Percent 4 oz

Christophers Natural Products, Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray, is an outcome of over Twenty Years of research with Two Universities, scientists, development, proven worldwide distribution and manufacturing in the US. The outcome was The First and only Food Pharmaceutical Grade100% Pure Transdermal Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate that was developed and formulated by Christopher, which supports the reduction Inflammation and Pain. (Refer to Nutritional Magnesium Association)


We gave the nick name of our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray “The Gift” because it is used throughout our body in over 3750 storage sites in brain, bones, organs (heart) muscle. Research has shown that Magnesium creates “The Spark of Life” in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate – High-Energy Molecule). This molecule, which is found in every Mitochondrial Cell and is the energy currency of life. Its the job of ATP to store and supply the cell with the needed spark. Mitochondrial Cells can only function if it has magnesium for energy. Healthy Mitochondrial Cells are necessary for our body to accomplish basic functions every day! (Refer to Nutritional Magnesium Association)


Christophers Natural Products was established over twenty years ago with a mission to help people worldwide with holistic solutions that make a difference because of our proprietary ingredients! Christopher recognized the importance of Magnesium in our diets and its relevance to the bodys many Magnificent Functions. Hypomagnesemia is a magnesium deficiency that affects over 70% of women and men in North America. Magnesium was discovered in England and France over 100 years ago. Today, Hypomagnesemia is silently affecting over 70% of women and men in North America because of it being a laxative in a supplement form. Our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray bypasses the Bodys Kidneys and is responsible for over 900 biochemical reactions that maybe crucial for muscle/nerve, brain, stress reduction, healthy organ and bone and steady a heart rhythm.

Christophers Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray, is derived from a proprietary source, formulated to be totally safe because it is A 100% Pure Food Pharmaceutical Grade Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate. It is so safe because it is 100% Pure Concentration that it can be used internally and externally without a laxative affect. Our Magnesium Spray is safe and maybe used for healthy gums and wont harm pregnant women, children or animals! Many manufacturers have tried to re-engineer Our Magnesium Oil Spray using a brine and have failed for over 20 years due to its complex process. It is important to Not Wash-off Our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray because it may reduce Inflammation and any resulting Pain. Also there will be No Residue on skin or clothing, absorbs and dries on ones skin within minutes. It leaves No Odor, No Grease and can be sprayed as many times as necessary without worry, as it is used and passed naturally.

We welcome you to safely raise your Magnesium Level. Studies have shown that magnesium maybe necessary to relieve stress, and raise serotonin (Important Neurotransmitter that can affect mood, social behavior, appetite, digestion, sleep and memory). We look forward to you experiencing why Christophers Natural Products, 100% Pure Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray, has been trusted by women and men worldwide for over twenty years and maybe helpful for healthy Mitochondrial Cells.  



Christophers Magnesium Oil Spray can be applied as many times as necessary by following these recommendations:

    • Our Magnesium Oil Spray works best when applied on ones clean Lymph Nodes: each side of our neck, under ones armpits (deodorant maybe applied afterward), on each side of our hips, behind each knee cap, on top of each foot, then apply to any area that is experiencing discomfort. Remember to always apply to clean, dry skin before applying any creams or lotions.
    • (Please keep in mind that women may experience stinging under armpits after shaving as our Magnesium Oil Spray will heal micro-cuts after shaving) Lotion or deodorant can be applied after our Magnesium Oil Spray.
    • Men can apply after shaving as it may momentarily burn but it will help heal their face of any micro-cuts and is excellent for skin.
    • Our Magnesium Oil Spray is recommended to be applied before and after surgery as it may reduce swelling and inflammation (Never spray directly on open wounds until they have begun to health and skin is closed). Always apply around the skin that was operated on.
    • Many have found that applying to shoulders and joints after working on a computer and before bed may relax muscle and reduce joint pain.
    • Our Magnesium Oil Spray is excellent to be applied before massage, Yoga, weight lifting, jogging, stretching, and playing sports and for injury prevention, greater muscle flexibility and increased strength.
    • Magnesium has been studied in the US for over 70 years and Traditional Medicine agrees that it is essential for Good Health including a healthy heart!
    • Christophers Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray has been sold around the World and has not cause itchiness!
    • Realty: Skin pores are not temperature sensitive and hot water can make the outer layers of skin swell, which makes pores look more open. So our pores dont open and close based on temperature. Always apply our 100% Pure Magnesium Oil Spray to clean, dry skin. (American Academy of Dermatologists – Association)
    • Our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray should never be washed off after applying to lymph nodes or areas of discomfort!
    • Women and men need magnesium to have a healthy functioning body and can never over-dose as magnesium is being used throughout the body.
    • The effect of magnesium introduced into the body on blood pressure in individuals with insulin resistance, prediabetes, or communicable chronic disease: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Conclusion: the pooled results suggest that magnesium supplementation may significantly lower BP in individuals with insulin resistance, prediabetes or other non-communicable chronic disease.
    • Our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray may help reduce muscle spasms, muscle soreness and joint pain!
    • Government studies prove the average diet provides less than a third of magnesium you need in a day. (Functional Medicine University)
    • Since 1990 The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that well over half of hospitalized patients were seriously low in the mineral, magnesium! (Functional Medicine University: Ronald Grisanti D.C.)
    • Magnesium is an essential mineral and a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes. The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to produce energy requires numerous magnesium-dependent chemical reactions. (Oregon State University – Linus Pauling Institute)
    • Christophers Natural Products are focused on always providing a 100% Pure Concentration in Our Transdermal Magnesium Oil Spray that has sold hundreds of thousands of bottles over 20 years. We thank you for your purchase and continued support for better health. Be Well!

All of the above statements are supported by The Nutritional Magnesium Association, Functional Medicine University, American Medical Association, Oregon State University –Linus Pauling Institute, American Academy of Dermatologists, Journal of American Medical Association, and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Please note: unless otherwise stated, this product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent any disease. It is important to develop a relationship and consult with a physician should any major health issues arise.

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