Bravo Probiotic Concentrate 30 Capsules over 300 Probiotics Summary
Bravo Probiotic Concentrate 30 Capsules over 300 Probiotics
Bravo Super Probiotic Yogurt Kit contains essential probiotics to restore healthy gut function and digestion. Bravo Probiotics contain over 300 active friendly ultures
Bravo Europe has developed a new process to concentrate the beneficial properties of Bravo yogurt. Each bottle contains 30 capsules of Bravo concentrated yogurt. Suggested serving size is 1 capsule per day. One capsule of the concentrated Bravo yogurt provides most of the same benefits as 1/2 cup of Bravo Yogurt.
The big difference between homemade Bravo Yogurt and Bravo Concentrate is tthe yogurt works to fully line the mucosa of the intestines, which helps leaky gut to restore proper digestion. If your body is unable to tolerate the yogurt, the concentrated Bravo capsules will also help restore proper digestion, just more gradually.
The unique formulation of Bravo derives from the most recent research that demonstrate how much special fermented milk products and colostrum can be beneficial in maintaining health and how they can be included in a complementary natural nutritional approach. The original blend and the innovative procedure of preparation potentially allows the natural production of several powerful bio-active molecules such as lactoferrins, immunoglobulins, anti-oxidants, vitamins and immunostimulant factors.
This special probiotic concentrate provides the essential support so that you can benefit more effectively from the healthy foods you are eating. Many people have found after only three months of use, they have experienced its many benefits by completely restoring healthy gut function.
Because this natural supplement activates the immune system, some people experience minor side effects in the first 2 weeks. You may feel a swelling of lymph nodes, brief headaches and low energy while the immune system is busy working to support healthy function. You may also experience an allergic reaction that includes diarrhea, constipation and a sensitive tongue. This often a die off of bad bacteria. Simply reduce the amount you are taking and slowly build up the amount.
If you are looking for immediate benefits, letting the capsule dissolve in the mouth is the just as powerful as enjoying 1/2 cup of Bravo yogurt. Simply open the capsule and swish the Bravo Concentrate in your mouth for 1 minute. This provides the best immediate support for brain function and immune support because its unique beneficial ingredients are fully absorbed through the mouth. Once saliva has increased, you can even gargle for 10 seconds.
If you are looking to repopulate the gut microbiome, you can swallow the capsule. If you want both benefits you can alternate with one day dissolving and one day swallowing.
The standard homemade Bravo Yogurt is often too difficult for people to hold in their mouth for a full minute. One capsule of Bravo Concentrate provides the same benefit of holding a 1/2 cup of Bravo Yogurt in the mouth for a minute.
Some lactose intolerant people were unable to take Bravo Yogurt, but with the concentrated capsules, they can let them dissolve in their mouth for a minute or swallow the capsule. Using the capsule in this way prevents any negative reaction a person may have who has difficulty with dairy products or is lactose intolerant.
If you have serious gut problems, you should always consult a health professional. You can start with a quarter of the dose and gradually increase. The remaining dose in the capsule can be wrapped and stored in the refrigerator.
Bravo Concentrate tastes great and is easy for children to hold in their mouth for a minute. As with Bravo Yogurt, children may require a quarter or half dose depending on their size.
The concentrated Bravo is manufactured as described below from Bravo Europe: The Swiss facility uses the Bravo powders of the standard Bravo yogurt kit to make the yogurt. Then, when the yogurt is well fermented, it is freeze dried in a special process to concentrate the yogurt into a powder ready to use. The powder is encapsulated in a gastro resistant capsule containing 400 mg of concentrated Bravo yogurt.
The difference in comparison to the Bravo Yogurt is that Bravo Concentrate is a product ready to use. It does not require any preparation since it has already been prepared by the Swiss facility and put in a form which is easy to manage, whereby the liquid yogurt requires refrigeration and has a shorter expiration time. The Bravo concentrate capsules do not require refrigeration but refrigerationis ideal. The powders are very stable and can be shipped without any refrigeration.
The statements and products referred to throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They are the expressed opinion of John Gray for the sole purpose of educating the public regarding their health, happiness and improved quality of relationships. Individual results may vary. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns.
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